The Dead Mother:
- The title is a little morbid
- Everyone always looks happy from the outside
- Moujik weird name and the wiki didnt explain much about the exact name
- How do they know someone opened the door and came up to the cradle without seeing anything?
- The dead mom was coming back to feed the baby, and then they baby died too
- Weird story because it shows people are always looking over us but why did the baby have to die too?
The Treasure:
- More death in these stories
- You would think the old mans friends would want to help him since he was in poverty
- Poor man...the pope should help him
- I wold have never of gone back to that horrible pope with money
- That pope got what he deserved in the end!
The Bad Wife:
- Why would you want to be in a marriage so miserable
- I would always tell the wife that I didnt want what I really wanted
- A Demon? these stories are creepy odd
- Maybe its a Russian thing
- The bad wife is where she belongs with the demons
The Three Copecks:
- How do you work for free and live that makes no sense
- Why would he sell the cat when he knows its not his
- Greedy people
- I did not get the point of this story at all
- He should have never asked for the money if he didnt want to pay it back
- If I was the wife I would have told my husband he was crazy
- He never got is copeck but still ended up with money
- The snake sounds like a teenage boy
- If I had that many snakes coming at me I would FREAKKKK
- Why would her mother do that when she said she was happy...
Water Snake
- Need to explain better what mother friday is
- I bet she will never disobey mother friday again
- I wouldnt have let her off that easy though
- So now days of weeks are actual people..interesting
- I would have thought the wednesday lady was nice and only came since she called for her
- There is no point to these stories I am realizing
The Leshy:
- She went strolling through the forrest, and nothing else was said just that 3 years went by
- There should be some explanation before the story begins
- No explanation what a leshy is
- Glad the girl was rescued, but where did the hut go?
Dnieper, Volga, and Dvina:
- they said used once instead of once used, not sure if that was a typo or just how they saw it
- Poor kids
- Not sure what toiling is
- I feel bad for the brother since his sisters left him
- No point to the story
Emilian the Fool:
- I wish I had something like the fool did
- The fool is unlike any other fool I've ever seen
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