So this semester all of my classes are online so that in itself is its own challenge. Since I do not have to physically go to class I have to make myself get online and check my classes at least once a day if I want to succeed and not miss anything. I have found in all my classes it is very easy to miss a deadline since I do not have my teachers reminding me all the time (with the exception of this class). I find it challenging to stay on top of my work.
The one way I have worked on this challenge is setting up a schedule for checking my classes and doing the assignments. Everyday when I get home from work I check all my classes to make sure I do not have anything due that day. If I do then I work on that assignment, and if I don't I try and do the next assignment coming up so I am at least staying on top of things.
I think setting up a schedule has not only benefitted me this semester with my online classes, but it will also help me with my on campus classes next semester. This mindset challenge helped me realize what I was doing this semester can be very beneficial to myself next semester as well.