Thursday, September 3, 2015

Storybook Possible Topics

Topic: The Villains and their sides of the story
Comments: I think this would be a very interesting topic to cover. No one ever thinks about the villain and why they are how they are. Or even why they are doing what they are doing.
Possible Stories: Every story has its villains, so there are endless possibilities on what kind of stories I could write. One of my favorite movies is The Wizard of OZ, so I could focus on the wicked witch of the west in one of my stories.
Sample Story Comments: I found the story The Wonderful Wizard of OZ. I like this story because it is a book made into a movie, play, and musical. There are so many different things that can be done with the story, and I like watching it.
Bibliography Information:
Sample Story:The Wonderful Wizard of OZ
Book Author: L. Frank Baum

Margaret Hamilton as The Wicked Witch of The West

Topic: Mermaid's Are Real
Comments: Recently I have seen many people become fascinated by mermaid's, including myself. I would like to explore more about mermaids and find out where the stories about the come from. To see if they all follow the same types of stories, because I am sure they do not.
Possible Stories: I think a cool story would be a regular human turning into a mermaid, and trying to figure out what happened. Let the human who would now be a mermaid, meet all new things which of course would be from the underwater world that no one knows about.
Sample Story Comments: The story I found about a mermaid who married a human, and never went back to her homeland because she did not have sealskin which her husband took before he met her. It is interesting because it is a mermaid turned human story, kind of like Ariel from The Little Mermaid story.
Bibliography Information:
Sample Story: The Mermaid Wife
Book Author: W. W. Gibbings

Topic: Twilight: Vampires and Werewolves
Comments: I was a fan of the Twilight series, though I never really got into the whole vampire and werewolf thing. I do think it would be cool to learn more about, and there are endless possibilities when it comes to writing about the two whether it be together or apart.
Possible Stories: I like the thought of people becoming werewolves to protect their land. In my story I would want vampires and werewolves to work together like they do in twilight, without there being a girl involved. I would make my stories one long series instead of all different stories each time.
Sample Story Comments: I read more up on werewolves and where they came from, on wikipedia. There are many different beliefs when it comes to werewolves, and where they come from. I am interested in the European belief of a werewolf.
Bibliography Information:
Sample Story:Wikipedia on Werewolves
Book Author:None
Year: It was last updated August 29, 2015

Topic: The Many Fables
Comments: So far in this class I have read a lot of fables, and there are so many I have not read. I like fables because I can read so many in such a short time and still get a good lesson out of them. Aesops is a good book of fables, because there are so many in one spot.
Possible Stories: I could take a few of my favorite fables and turn them into my own. Spin them in a way that just takes the lesson and nothing else. I would keep my stories short just like the fables are, since that is my favorite part is how short they are I would not want to change that.
Sample Story Comments: The fable I read was short and to the point, but the lesson was about giving someone criticism at the wrong time. I could take that lesson and make a lot of short stories out of it, just in different ways.
Bibliography Information:
Sample Story: The Drowning Boy
Book Author: Translated by Laura Gibbs

1 comment:

  1. Mermaids, YES!! Some days I swear I am meant to be a mermaid. I already know I a going to be reading that story. I also like your thoughts on doing a story about the villians! I feel like I am the only person that likes a good story about a villain. I as well was a twilight fan(of the books, not the movies), so that will be a good read too.
