Sunday, August 30, 2015

What I think about: Growth Mindset

I had never heard of Carol Dweck before until watching her ted talk on this weeks assignment. I believe she does have some good points, my favorite being the not yet. Instead of telling someone they have failed at something, just let them know not yet. Not yet being just not now, keep working at it and you'll get there just like everyone else did.

Sometimes when doing school work and I do not know something I think theres no way I am every going to figure this out, so my growth mindset is not very good. I need to work at it to get better, just because I can't do it now does not mean I won't be able to do it later as long as I work at it and don't give up. Sure I can give up for a little bit to let my mind refresh, but once that is over I can start back at the problem with a new mindset.

I have a goal this year, since it is my senior year to get a 4.0 both semesters. Since it is my senior year I am taking a lot of harder classes than normal, but I know I can do it. If I work at it and don't give up, I will achieve my goal.

Image by girlinbraces

I do have a side note to add though, I like being told good job when I do something good. Whenever I get an A on an assignment it is nice to be told that I did good, because some of the time it isn't the easiest and I had to work hard for it. So not all the time is it a bad thing to reward people for doing good, whether it come easy or hard to the person.

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