Sunday, September 27, 2015

Thoughts About Comments

At first I didn't think I would like people commenting on my post, mostly because I am not creative and I knew I would have a lot for people to comment on. I have always liked constructive criticism, but not so much when I know I am not good at something. What is cool about the comments is they are helping me get better at telling stories. The comments tell me what I am doing wrong, and what kind of things could make my storytelling better. My favorite thing to comment on when going to someones blog is their introduction, because I think it is cool to get to know everyone in the class cause its not something you usually get to do. The comments that speak to me the most are the ones that help me build on what I already have to make my stories that much better. Something I can do to make my comments better is to give better feed back on things that will make someones story better. It will be challenging for me because it is hard enough for me to write my own stories much less tell someone else how to make theirs better.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Baylee! I like this post because I like how honest you are in it about receiving criticism. I am the same way about it, yet did not know how to adequately vocalize it like you just did. Your layout and such is very elegant and easy on the eye, by the way. I hope that this class is less of a challenge for you for the rest of the semester and you can instead view it as another learning experience.
